Table of Contents

Usage Cheat Sheet – Service Staff

Chat Starts

Availability to handle new chat

It is important to understand the following 3 service staff agent states which decide if agent is ready to handle a new chat.

  • ONLINE – agent ready for handlng new chat.
  • OFFLINE – agent is NOT ready. NO new chat will be assigned.
  • CUSTOMER HUNG UP – customer hung up. Agent is free to choose “OFFLINE” or “ONLINE”.

New Incoming chat

Video Voice Screen Share buttons

Automatic Charge

Charging Scheme

Automatich Charge will let 2ConnectMe calculate the actual service fees and post the charges to the customer pre-authorised credit card automatically at the end of chat. Therefore, service staff is required to setup his own pricing scheme. In “Company” account, it is even able to setup the default charging scheme for all the service staff in case of absence of service staff own pricing scheme.

Setup Service Staff Pricing Scheme

You may setup your own taxi meter type charging scheme at Private Profile of Settings for the service fees.

Setup Pricing Scheme on chat room

For service staff with “Solo User” type account, no further actions on chat room settings required. By default of “Solo User” type account, the chat rooms are properly setup for different charging schemes, e.g. preauthorised card with automatic charges at the end of chat. Details here.

For service staff with “Company” type account, it further requires to setup chat room with default charging scheme and allow service staff agent’s own charging scheme. Details here.

Charging Controls

In “Solo User” account, this kind of controls happen to default chat room PREAUTHORISED_CARD_AUTO_CHARGE_END. Details here.

In “Company” account, it requires to enable such “Automatic Charge” controls in the chat room. Details here.

Start Charger Timer

When both service staff agent and the client can launch video chat successfully, service staff can start charging by pressing Start Charger timer button   in the FixOverflow Chat app below.

Stop / Pause Charger Timer

Agent can pause the charger timer by pressing the STOP / PAUSE charger timer button.

Manual Payment Request

Charging Scheme

This is ad hoc invoice billing to customer during live chat. Service staff can issue an invoice to customer either at the beginning or at the end of chat. It is highly recommended service fees should be paid by customer before any consultation chat starts.

In “Solo User” account, this happens to default chat room CHARGE_DURATION_ON_DEMAND WITHOUT further settings required. Details here.

In “Company” account, this requires turning such Manual Payment Request settings ENABLED in the chat room settings. Details here.

Charging Controls

After successfully chat connection with customer, service staff agent phone is with a “Credit Card” button. Such “Credit Card” button will triiger an invoice pop up to let service agent to input the details as follows.

Credit Card – Payment Request from service staff

Customer Invoice Payment

Client customer will be prompted to ask the credit card payment for such invoice.

Service staff received service fees

Service staff agent will be prompted of service fees received. Service staff may either press

  • Service Finished button which stops the current timer and prompt chat finished.
  • Service Starts button which triggers timer starts to count down from the duration having been paid by the customer.

Consultation Invitation

Send consultation meeting invitation email to the client through Friends / Business menu.

In case the client email address has not registered for 2ConnectMe service, the following information is further needed including the chat room selection for their different purpose.

  • PREAUTHORISED_CARD_AUTO_CHARGE_END: At the start of chat, client has to pre-authorise credit card for service fees to be posted automatically by 2ConnectMe at the end of chat. This chat room is pre-configured and only available in “Solo User” type account.
  • CHARGE_DURATION_ON_DEMAND: Service staff can issue ad hoc invoice on the fly to the client to pay service fee during the chat. Ths chat room is pre-configured and only available in “Solo User” type account.
  • GENERAL: Normal chat WITHOUT service fee collection.

Get Paid

Pricing – “Solo User” account

For service staff agent with “Solo User’ type account, 2ConnectMe will charge 20% of revenue as service fees for service platform provision. 2ConnectMe will be responsible for the fees for online payment processing on PayPal, Stripe, AliPay and WeChat Pay.

Lead time for receiving service revenue

After deducting such 20% of service revenue, within 5 business days after the service revenue collected, 2ConnectMe will transfer 80% of such revenue to either PayPal, Stripe, AliPay, WeChat Pay account of service staff.

The service staff agent will be asked of your PayPal , Stripe, AliPay or WeChat Pay account details at the first time of revenue successfully made.

Pricing – Company type account

For service agent with “Company” type account, 2ConnectMe will take 10% of the revenue paid by your clients as the fees to provide the 2ConnectMe platform to support your online service provision. Besides, please take note that service staff is responsible for the service provided and the fees of online payment processing and charges on your revenue. Details here.

Lead time for receiving service revenue

For service agent with “Company” type account, the administrator of “Company” type account requires to link with Stripe for collecting the service fees in real time. The revenues, after deducting the 2ConnectMe service fees, i.e. 10% of service revenue, wil be deposited to such administrator of “Company” stripe account right after payment made by the clients. Details here.

Video Recording

Start Recording

On desktop Windows, Mac and Linux Ubuntu, Agent is able to record the video chat with prior consent from customer client.

Obtain your client consent for video recording

Agent Screen Selection for Recording

Start, Pause & Stop Recording

After selection of screen, the recording happens and agent is able to pause, stop recording with the 

 buttons as shown below.

Download videos recorded

During the video chat, agent is able to Pause, Stop and Resume recording at his own needs. Whenever the recording is stopped, the video file is immediately avaible for downloading 

 in the prompt as shown below. It may be the case that the video recordings could be splitted into multiple files according to the agent “Stop, Start” recording operations.

Video Storage

The videos are stored inside the app local storage. Agent is able to find and download all these video records in the Chat View or Chat Records.

Chat View

In the agent console, just click the  Chat View button to see all the chat records in “Last In First Shown” order. The video record is embbed in the chat history where agent can click the  download button to download the video file.

Chat Records

In the Chat Records view, each chat is sorted and the video is embbed in the each of chat record.

App Permission

Unexpected Offline

Advanced Handling of Network Disconnection and Duration Charges Calculation

When either network of client or agent is unstable to cause temporarily disconnection, the charging meter will stop counting. The charging meter will be resumed when both client and agent get online again. 2ConnectMe will not trigger to charge the client unless either client or agent presses the RED hangup button or disconnected offline for more than 90 seconds (timeout).

When agent or client is offline without reconnection online for more than 90 seconds, 2ConnectMe backend server will trigger to charge the client for the chats AUTOMATICALLY.

Tips of Handling Unstable Network during Chatting

While 2ConnectMe warns both parties if either of them is offline during chatting, agent and client need do nothing and just wait for other party to reconnect online again. There will be prompt to remind client and agent that the other party is offline and online again as screens illustrated below.

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